how much do you now about avatar

If you have only seen a few epesodes you will be able to get the first part because they are really easy but twored the end it gets a little harder but you will probably still get it.

Twored the end of the quiz the questions get harder so you will have to know the show pretty well if you get them all you will be titled an Avatar master.

Created by: TophRocks
  1. what is Toph's last name?
  2. Zuko and Katara love eachother
  3. What element does Sokka hate
  4. Who doesn't date anyone through out the whole show
  5. How many episodes are in the 1st season (NO CHEATING)
  6. How old is katara
  7. Who do they go to get at the Boiling Rock
  8. what is the name of the earth kings bear
  9. how many years was Mai an only child
  10. how does Toph see
  11. Who was the air avatar before Aang

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Quiz topic: How much do I now about avatar