How much do you like the hunger games

This qizz will tell you if you do or dont know the hunger games many people know about this book or so they say find out how much you know about this book come on try it

Do you want to know how much you really know the hunger games come on and try this quizz .Dont be scarred for the first you will really know whou much you know the book

Created by: Smile
  1. Who did katniss volenter for
  2. Why dose katniss throw peeta into the fake flower
  3. How dose rue die
  4. What dose rue ask katniss to do when she is about to die
  5. Why dose katniss look for peeta
  6. How dose katniss find peeta
  7. Why dose katniss kiss peeta
  8. How much do you like the hunger games
  9. How old was peeta when he started to have a crush on katniss
  10. Was katniss really in love with peeta as peeta was with her

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Quiz topic: How much do I like the hunger games