How Much Do You Know Shayne Ward?

This quiz is about how much you know about Shayne Ward and wether you are a big fan of his. Being a fan is a good thing to be, and you will always be known as a fan of Shayne Ward! So come do the quiz.

Are YOU a true Shayne Ward fan? Are YOU his number one fan? Do YOU want to find out how much you know about him? Come do this quiz to find out how much you know about Shayne Ward?

Created by: chelsea
  1. What did Shayne win?
  2. Which year did Shayne becom famous?
  3. What was Shayne's first single?
  4. What month is his birfday?
  5. Where is he from?
  6. What is his album called?
  7. How much do you like Shayne Ward?
  8. Are you bored?
  9. Is Shayne Ward fit?
  10. Last question

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know Shayne Ward?