how much do you know about vampires?

there are many smart people, but few true geniuses. genius how in this case is exceptional about vampires for most people cause most people don't believe in vampires at all isn't that just sad!

i know that you might think i'm crazy but i'm a vampire honestly if you don't believe me you should see my fangs and if you still don't believe me i'll have to get my queen to make you believe me!

Created by: the vladster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do vampires sparkle?
  2. what kind of lotion do vampires use?
  3. can vampires date werewolves humans or just other vampires?
  4. who is the vampire queen?
  5. who is the main character in interview with a vampire?
  6. what kind of blood should vampires drink?
  7. do vampires like werewolves?
  8. do vampires like the sun?
  9. what is the land that vampires live on?
  10. who is the protector of the vampire queen?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about vampires?