How Much Do You Know About Team Rocket?

Ok! People this is a quiz of how much you know about the famous "Evil" Trio Jessie, James and Meowth, or just to simply say Team rocket, let's see how much your Rocket Brain has developed through the years! ^_-

Haha! Are you a Team Rocket Fan Genius?! Let's find out! ^^ and also, Take your time!.. Ok! ^^ But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Lupita
  1. Who Befriended Team Rocket Jessie, James and Meowth?
  2. Who were the Pokemon that Jessie and James released in the Hoenn Region?
  3. Who are Jessie, James and meowth afraid of?
  4. Who Is Boss Giovanni's Mother???
  5. What is the episodes name where James' Parents debuts?
  6. What is the episodes name where James is Happy to see Jessie?
  7. In what Movie does Jessie, James and Others get eaten by the "Leuokytes" (white cells)???
  8. Who is Jessie's and James' Rival??? XD?
  9. What is the name of the movie where meowth mentions "I've never seen a cloned pokemon before? Wonder what they are???" due to his memory erased by Mewtwo?
  10. In "The Bicker the better" who did not argue after Oscar and Andi mentioned that they were a "Lovely Couple"
  11. In What Pokemon Game Version do Jessie and James appear???

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Team Rocket?