How Much Do You Know About OOT?

Do you like Ocrina of Time? Do you like orcas than this quiz is for you but I f you hate it then try likeing this quiz and you better like orcas because there gentle?

DO you think have the smart of oot if you do try taking my quiz How much do you know about oot my quiz will problaby give you a hint so take it NOW please?

Created by: jose

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the main chacter in the game?
  2. Who becomes the hero of time?
  3. Who is the king of evil?
  4. How many temples are there?
  5. How many spirutal stones are there?
  6. What is Link's steed?
  7. How many swords can you get?
  8. What insturment do you use?
  9. How many pices the triforce has?
  10. What triforce piece is on links hand?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About OOT? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Legend of Zelda Quiz category.