how many kids will you hhave when you grow up

this quiz shows me or your self how many kids you want if you don't want any well that sucks good luck on the test!!!!!! I know you will do great!!!!!!

do you want kids? how many kids? why do you want kids? why are you interested in children? this quiz will give you all the answers you are looking for!!! good luck!

Created by: vanesa
  1. do you want children
  2. what do you think about having a husband?
  3. what do you want your job to be?
  4. do you want kids?
  5. what are your goals in life?
  6. are you patient?
  7. how many siblings do you have?
  8. do you wanna live in a..
  9. how many kids do you want
  10. how much did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How many kids will I hhave when you grow up