How good can you speak german?

In 4 countries in the world people speak german. Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. You have to take this quiz because it is so cool! Grmny

Can you speak german? Can you establish the fifth country in which people will only speak german? You Will find out in this awsome quiz. Grmny

Created by: Grmny
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Translate: Butterfly
  2. Translate: Germany
  3. Translate: Girl
  4. Guten tag. Wie heisst du?
  5. Wie gehts?
  6. Can you speak german?
  7. Do you ever lived in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Liechtenstein?
  8. Do you have family who can speak german?
  9. How are you going to rate me?
  10. Shoud I make a part two?

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Quiz topic: How good can I speak german?