how do you know what you are ?

this quiz is to test your skills of being a animal or a blood ready eater.that doesnt make any sense but if you take this test you will be able to get info on what you are

i dont know what to write so i wanted to know if you liked the test and if you did great i dont care .if you hated it then good for you im right there with you thanks bye

Created by: ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like to go out for a nite ride
  2. what color are your eyes
  3. are you attracted to meat?
  4. do you think this quiz is ok~
  5. how old are you?
  6. whats your fave color
  7. idk
  8. have you seen a monster before?
  9. have you seen jersy devil
  10. i dont know

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Quiz topic: How do I know what you are ?