How childish are you?

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This quiz will tell you how grown up you are. Are you still living in your childhood years or are you a mature individual. Take this quiz and find out =]

Are YOU childish? Do you have the lack of brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Mo
  1. A friend of yours tells you that you cant have a bite of their chocolate cup cake.
  2. Someone just snatched your most beloved item.
  3. Its Christmas time, and you have just opened the present you have been wishing for.
  4. Your great Aunt hands you an awful tartan sweater for your Birthday gift.
  5. You are at your baby cousin's birthday party, you see a bouncy castle at the bottom of the garden.
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. Which appeals most to you?
  8. A friend offers you a gift, which do you choose?
  9. You have just been given a detention at your local school.
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How childish am I?