how canadian are you?

are you a true canadian? i dont know and this quiz wont help you find out. its mainly just random talk about pancakes and maple syrup....and beavers. so if you really wanna find out go elese where. although if you say eh alot i think your safe.

are YOU a tyrue canadian???? i dont know. and if you dont know either this qiuz isnt really the best place to find out. sorry guys i was bord. how do you spell that bord?? never mind i think its bored. anywaqys : sorry guys i was bored. well...i do have some math can wait.

Created by: natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you say eh after saying "i know"?
  2. how much do you like maple syrup?
  3. do you have a lot of pride?
  4. do you believe in multicultural..ism?
  5. do you hate it when people are stereo types saying that canada is just evergreen trees and beavers...and police in red uniforms?
  6. do you think this quiz sucks?
  7. do you wear shirts that say I AM CANADIAN?
  8. how much do you like avril lavinge?
  9. do you use phrases like totally trendy or "way way cool"?
  10. how good do you think the leafs are?

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Quiz topic: How canadian am I?