How AWESOME are you?

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There are many awesome people, but few EXTREMELY awesome people. Awesome people are.... well.... awesome. But in this quiz you will find out if your are average awesome.... or extremely awesome.

Are YOU awesome? You have what it takes to be a true awesome person? Take this amazingly AWESOME quiz and you'll find out shortly. Good luck to all of you who take this quiz.

Created by: TheHamstergirl11
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Do you like pie? :D
  3. Do believe in ghosts? >.>
  4. 1,2,3,4, or 5?
  5. Can you teach a fish to play soccer?
  6. Staring contest. GO! O.O
  7. Do you believe in the following....
  8. Do you like this quiz so far?
  9. O.O
  10. Last question! Do YOU think your awesome?

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Quiz topic: How AWESOME am I?