How 70's Are You?

Are you stuck in the 70's? Do you still drive a Ford Pinto, hang on to those 8 track tapes "just in case" and long for the days of disco and leisure suits? Still have that famous poster of you know who on the wall?

Take a few minutes for this quiz and find out if you qualify as a cool 70's dude or chick OR if you need to get out the old yearbooks and do some research!

Created by: troop385
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The leather jacket was the trademark of this coolest guy around on TV.
  2. "Dreams" and "Go Your Own Way" described the personal relationships in this band.
  3. This "angel" was pictured on one of the most popular posters of the 70's.
  4. The patriarch of this TV family, an architecht who built a home with only one bathroom for six kids. Which TV show?
  5. He often called his TV wife "dingbat"
  6. Junior high school girls often had this magazine in their bookbag.
  7. This movie star showed us all how to dance in Saturday Night Fever
  8. President Richard Nixon resigned as the result of this scandal.
  9. This TV detective was often seen with a Tootsie Pop in his mouth in place of a cigarette.
  10. This singing group from Sweden, became became that country's number two $$$$ export, right behind Volvo.
  11. S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! was the mantra of this pop bubblegum singing groupl
  12. Farrah Fawcett's then husband was the star of this show.
  13. In 1976 this Romanian gymnist won 3 gold medals at the olympics and the music she performed to became a top 40 hit and was known as?
  14. This TV detective was usually seen wearing a well worn rain coat.
  15. In 1973 he sang about Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown.
  16. Proving you can sell anything, people actually bought this popular 70's item.
  17. In 1971 Jane Fonda won the Oscar for best actress in this movie.
  18. One of the stars of this 70's TV show would later grow up and marry rock star Eddie Van Halen.

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Quiz topic: How 70's am I?