Game or LAME quiz...see if what you play is hot!!!!!

Many people play hot games. But are the games their playing really cool!? Most think you have to play educational games to have fun, but that is SO not true.!

Find out with this quick quiz to see if what you play is really what we call cool.take this quiz to see if what you're playing is cool.You will learn the difference between hot and not.

Created by: hailey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like educational games?
  2. Do you like cartoon games?
  3. Do you have friends in the chat-room?
  4. Do you like music?
  5. Are you creative?
  6. are you fun?
  7. are you cool?
  8. can you laugh?
  9. would you rather dance or sing?
  10. how many times have you played this website?

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