Fill the lyrics!

There are many people in this world that knows how to sing. dance and even figure out the lyrics. S now here is the oppiurtunity to figure this thing out! If you are a good lyrist you might can create a song for janet jackson or some lucky person if you know much!

Are you a goot lyrist? Do you know every word by word for every hiphop song? Where here is your chance to find out on this fantastic "fill the lyrics" quiz! so good luck and remember have fun with it!

Created by: Samantha Phillips
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. fry that______
  2. shawty had that_________ boots with the furr
  3. shawty do what you do let me see you _________ hair
  4. when you put it on it's a______
  5. I___ ___ exclusive
  6. ________and drop it
  7. watch my crank that____ ____ and super man that ohhh!
  8. ...And___ __ taste like chocolate
  9. players wanna play ballers one a ball i dont even wont none of the above i want to___on you
  10. slide to the_____ slow it up crank that motor bike.

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