Does he love you? (Girls only)

Love is something very intriguing, you always want to know if someone likes you more than a friend! You shouldn't try to hide it when you know that your in love, you should embrace it!

Have you always wanted to know if the boy you like likes you back? Well take this quiz to find out! (This quiz will give you an idea if the boy loves you, it's not magic so it won't be perfect)

Created by: Medusa00
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you know him?
  2. Do you talk a lot?
  3. Does he have a girlfriend?
  4. Have you ever been his girlfriend?
  5. When you talk, how do you communicate?
  6. Is he ever mean to you?
  7. Do your parents like his parents?
  8. Do his parents like you?
  9. Last and final question =D (This question does not count in the final score) Do you like him?

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