Does a guy/girl crush like you?

Have you ever wondered does my crush like me? If you said no your lying because your on this quiz so your wondering. If you said yes your telling the truth and I respect that... out some respect on my name.

So after you read this long intro into the quiz because I'm supposed to have 150 letters on each of theses paragraphs which is stupid. Well hope you enjoy and get the results you hoped for.

Created by: SillyLily
  1. Does their body turn towards you when you guys talk?
  2. Have you tried asking them if he likes you? And have they lied about liking you in the past or when you asked?
  3. Are they single?
  4. Are they sexually active or nah?
  5. Have they ever told you they wanted to date you (in person or via text)?
  6. Do they notice you (say hi or talk to you and about you in a positive way)?
  7. Do you catch your crush looking at you?
  8. Do they act nervous around you?
  9. Do their friends act weird around you?
  10. your crush makes an extra effort to talk or be with you?
  11. Does your crush finds excuses to call?
  12. Did your crush agree to go anywhere with you (date, dance, beach, road trip)?

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