Do your friends say stuff about you behind your back?

there are many great friends out there, but are you friends with the right ones? i totallly hope so! if not please try to find some new ones cause chances are you are a SUCKISH FRIEND!!! sry to hurt ur feelings!

ummm i hope you likie this quiz because i am a blonde and cant think of much to write! i have a sidekick helpin me!!!!!:] she is the brains of this!!!! i hope you like her ideas!

Created by: joanna
  1. Do you freinds tend to do nasty tricks on you?
  2. Do your friends leave you out of conversation?
  3. Do your friends leave you in the middle of the woods or dark places?
  4. Do you enjoy potatos?
  5. How big is your ego?
  6. Do your friends pass on guys to you? (no matter how geeky!)
  7. Do your friends intensionally dye your hair odd shades like purple?
  8. Do your friends truly ignore you on purpose?
  9. do your friends try to ditch you?
  10. are you indinile about this subject? huh
  11. did your friends ever try to touch you?

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Quiz topic: Do my friends say stuff about you behind my back?