Do you know your Frozen lyrics?

There is a lot of videos on You Tube about people singing 'Let it go' or 'Love is an Open Door' but not all people know ALL the lyrics. Some say they sing too fast. Do they?

Maybe YOU can sing all of the lyrics of 'Fixer Upper'. or maybe only 'Reindeer's are Better Than People', or maybe you only know the words "let it go, let it go." its time to find out.

Created by: sunnysmile3
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the first part of the song: Frozen Heart?
  2. What is the first part of the song: For the First Time in Forever?
  3. Other than 'Love is an open door', in the song Love is An Open Door, what is the most said line?
  4. When Elsa is making the inside of the Ice Castle, what does she sing?
  5. This one is kinda easy. in 'reindeer's are better than people' what does Sven say to Kristoff when he asks if reindeer's are better than people?
  6. in 'In Summer!' what does Olaf say when he looks in the puddle?
  7. in Fixer Upper what does a little troll say when Kristoff tells them that Anna is engaged?
  8. What does the main girl troll say to Anna after telling her how people make bad choices when their mad, scared, or stressed?
  9. what is the last word of Fixer Upper?
  10. when Anna plays with dolls when singing Do You Want To Build A Snowman? what does she sing?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my Frozen lyrics?