Do You Know Doctor Who

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Not as many people watch Doctor Who like Sponge bob or The Ellen Show but lets see how good your memory on Doctor Who really is. Because Doctor Who is a very weird and interesting show.

Are you sure you can do this, absolutely sure, if so you can find out if you CAN do this in a few minutes.Because if you CAN do this you rely know Doctor Who.

Created by: R
  1. What channel is Doctor Who on?
  2. What is Doctor Who about?
  3. What is The Doctors tool called?
  4. How many Doctors are there?
  5. When was the first Doctor Who episode made?
  6. What is The Doctors worst enemy?
  7. What does The Doctor travel around in?
  8. What is the time machine called?
  9. What does The Doctor carry around in the T.A.R.D.I.S?
  10. What can The Doctor do with his sonic screwdriver?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Doctor Who