Do You Have A Past-Life?

This is not a normal quiz, it tests wether you do or don't have a past-life. Just please remember that this test was made by a human (maybe) and might not be accurate (yeah right, I'm never wrong)!

Never discount the idea that you might have a past-life. If you know how to handle one, it won't hinder you in this life too much. So what are you waiting for? Give the test a test run!

Created by: Wayne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you experience deja-vu?
  2. Do you have a strange desire to renenact a war, historic moment, etc.?
  3. Have you ever been thanked for "nothing" by a complete stranger?
  4. Do animals act stange around you - not just protective, but STRANGE?
  5. Are you afraid of death?
  6. Are you considered a lunatic/phycho/quack/whacko?
  7. How often do you use the phrase, "I remember when..."?
  8. Are you afraid of and/or show anger at "new-fangled doo-dads"?
  9. Do you see yourself in the past when you dream?
  10. Do you despise a certain country/religion for no good reason? EX: Germans, Jewish, Romans, Europe.
  11. Is/was Social Studies your favorite class?
  12. How accurate are you with simple weapons (knives, rocks, spears, etc.) at 20 yrds.?
  13. Are you having a deja-vu moment right now?
  14. Are you/do you want to be a phychic?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have A Past-Life?