Do you Have a Girl Crush?

There are many girls in the world but few are really pretty.But do you have a Girl Crush on them? In 12 simple questions you can find out if you really do have a girl crush or not?

So do you have a girl crush?

Created by: taronja
  1. Do you think some girls are pretty but not all?
  2. What do you have more girl friends or guy friends?
  3. Do you think any Famous actress/singer is pretty?
  4. Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?
  5. Do you know what a girl crush is?
  6. If you were/are a guy, who would you marry out of these:
  7. If you another person, would you date yourself?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Will you rate?
  10. Will you comment?

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Quiz topic: Do I Have a Girl Crush?