could you beat me in a fight

this quiz will make you know if you could beat me in a fight but would you. if we would fight, they'ed be a no weapon rule. but anyways, lets biggin the quiz

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Created by: Christian
  1. do you do physical fighting
  2. how long does it take you to run 100 feet
  3. if someone punched you in your gut so hard. what would you do?
  4. what do you eat\drink
  5. whats your favorite color
  6. do you belive in hero's and villan's
  7. are you a boy or girl
  8. what are you
  9. what gun wold you have
  10. if you got 2,002 bucks, what would you do
  11. do you flex
  12. pick one
  13. pick one
  14. last quistion

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