Belieber Fever

There are so many people that love Justin Bieber, but are you the biggest Justin Bieber fan? If you are take this quiz! If you don't know who Justin Bieber is look him up!!! ( he is my future bf).

Are YOU a Belieber? If you think you are, you should take this quiz, because I'm a Belieber and I am his biggest fan! I think that if you take this quiz and you get them all right you're a belieber!!!

Created by: tbieber321654
  1. When was Justin Bieber born?
  2. What is Justin Bieber's favorite color?
  3. What color is Justin Bieber's eyes?
  4. What is Justin Bieber's favorite snack at the movies?
  5. What is Justins favorite food?
  6. How old was Justin in 2012?
  7. What is Justins moms name?
  8. What song does Justin Bieber ft. Usher?
  9. What is Justins friends name?
  10. What is Justins favorite desert?
  11. What time was Justin Bieber born?
  12. What day was Justin Bieber born on?

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