Are you sure you know Justin Bieber?

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aww Justin Bieber, who DOESNT love him right? i remeber when i really hated him with every fiber of my being. now i am a huge fan. i have been to 2 of his concerts. i have all his CDS and i have over 60 posters of him in my room. i have written poems for him also! i know things about him that i shouldnt. do you know him as well as i do?

Many people THINK they know the worlds' new idol JUSTIN DREW BIEBER, but when they put their knowledge to the test, the truth comes out and surprises them. Do you think you know Justin Bieber? Think you can pass my quiz? If so then what are you waiting for? take the quiz and find out if you are a true Biebler!

Created by: BieberLuver101
  1. What was the first song that Justin Bieber had on ITunes?
  2. Who is always with Justin in the car when hes travaling?
  3. While shooting the music video for One less lonely girl what happend with the dogs?
  4. In the music video One Time. Is that really ushers house or was it just a set?
  5. What famous celeb. helps Justin and gives him advice and is with him most of the time and is always there for him?
  6. Is Justin Bieber hot?
  7. How much does Justin Bieber Weigh? (i know it is probably a stupid question to ask, but still if you think you know him you know the answer)
  8. What two colors are Justin Biebers' Favorite?
  9. What is Justin Biebers' favorite candy?
  10. Justin Bieber won a grammy award for what?

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Quiz topic: Am I sure you know Justin Bieber?