Are you smart or not? (joke/parody)

Find out are you trully smart!! Parody of quizzes that try to guess whether you're smart or not. Have fun and rate if you want. (í‘í˜T MíŠí…í‘T Fí˜R Pí‹í•PLíˆ WHí˜ í‡í‚í‘T TíKí‰ í… Jí˜Kí‹)

Disclaimer this quiz wasnt meant to offend anyone or spread hate, nor was it meant to promote illegal behavour or substances. Quiz is suitable for all age groups and has no 18+ content

Created by: gothicguya
  1. Hey. Are you ready to begin the test?
  2. Do you like Justin Bieber?
  3. Do you like PewDiePie?
  4. Do you like Marilyn Manson?
  5. Do you like Hannah Montana?
  6. Do you camp in shooting games?
  7. Do you do drugs?
  8. Dubstep or metal?
  9. Do you think being antisexual makes you more be human being than animal?
  10. Do you think its alright to fap fap?
  11. Enjoyed the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or not? (joke/parody)