Are you retarded?

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This test will test your mind. 34qhethnmengio3qn8g9q34bn9ugbenrgnhj8reiwngi9uwenh89ieqnh89irenb 89gnbeq489ghj8eqgh8qe3jg89e5jg894e5hjn89ghe4n89gbmeojmbh90i8e5hb


Created by: Dabbz69
  1. What is (0.8m+0.2m)?
  2. what is 1m/2?
  3. what is 0.5m*1.8m?
  4. skip
  5. skip
  6. skip
  7. skip
  8. skip
  9. skip
  10. skip

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Quiz topic: Am I retarded?

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