Are you mentally telepathic, like ME?

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Mind reading is an extraordinary talent. Only very few people have this exceptional ability. After all, how many people do you know who can read minds?

Are YOU mentally telepathetic? Can you read a mind in the blink of an eye? How about put an idea in someone else's mind? Find out with this very accurate quiz.

Created by: Sharp Pointily Unicorns
  1. What am I thinking? (hate)
  2. What am I thinking? (Disney Princesses)
  3. What am I thinking? (Subjects)
  4. What am I thinking? (desserts)
  5. What am I thinking? (Male celebrities)
  6. What am I thinking? (Female celebrities)
  7. What am I thinking? (songs)
  8. What am I thinking? (colors #1)
  9. What am I thinking? (colors #2)
  10. What am I thinking? (books)
  11. What am I thinking? (Male Movie Stars)
  12. What am I thinking? (Female Movie Stars)
  13. What am I thinking? (movies #1)
  14. What am I thinking? (movies #2)
  15. Do you still think you are mentally telepathic?

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Quiz topic: Am I mentally telepathic, like ME?