Are you Maki Nishiniko or Ruby Kuroswa?

Do you love Love Live? Is your favorite charactor(s) Ruby Kuroswa or/ and Maki Nishiniko? Then this quiz is for you! Figure out which charactor you are!

This quiz has ten questions that you need to answer honestly to get accurate results! These ten questions have multiple choice answers. You may only choose one, and if neither is correct, select the more accurate one. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Mina of Are you Maki Nishiniko or Ruby Kuroswa
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you usally put your hair in (a) ponytail(s)?
  2. Are you shy, or easily fired up?
  3. Do you appear to be mean, or are you usally nice?
  4. Do you play an instrument?
  5. Do you like turquoise or violet more?
  6. Are you a leader?
  7. If you were asked to be a school idol, would you say yes right away, or hesitate?
  8. Are you negative?
  9. Do you like cats?
  10. Do you have a sibling that you love more than anything?

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Quiz topic: Am I Maki Nishiniko or Ruby Kuroswa?
