Are you as Mexican as you think you are?

So do you think you are as mexican as you think you are?Well take this quiz and find out.Maybe you are and maybe you aren´t.It will be fun. Dont forget to rate at the end either.

Just take it from me.Both my parents are from Mexico and every single year I go there for about a month so I know lots and lots about Mexico.Maybe you do to.Just take this quiz to find out if you are truly Mexican.

Created by: Loveneon56
  1. Easy peasy now!What does hola mean?
  2. Now What does zapateado mean?
  3. Do you go to/ live in México?
  4. What is the eagle sitting on in the mexican flag?
  5. When people ride horses and try to laso bulls, what is that called?
  6. What year did México gain it's independence?
  7. What do you eat for the holidays?
  8. What language do you speak in your home?
  9. How do you celebrate the holidays?
  10. What is mole?
  11. Are you going to rate?

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Quiz topic: Am I as Mexican as you think you are?