Are you a true WWE fan

There are many WWE Fans, but few true WWE fans.a WWE fan is, afterall,hard to find. What is a WWE Fan? A WWE Fan is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind made out of WWE knowledge, is able to solve complex WWE History problems, and see the world through an entirely WWE point of view."

Are YOU a true WWE Fan?Do you have the WWE guts to be able to be a REAL WWE FAN? until now you can only wonder.But thanks to this GRRRRRRRAATTEE quiz, in a few minutes you can find out!

Created by: lightsaber
  1. Was this a stable(team) in the WWE "The Teamsters"
  2. What is on the cover on WWE SvR 2008
  3. Is Randy orton a 2nd Gen superstar
  4. In SvR 2008 was there create a finsher?
  5. Who said this "Just when they think they have all the answers I cange the question"
  6. Is this the right spelling "Ray Misterico"
  7. What was john cenas attribute in SvR 2008
  8. Who is the greatest superstar on raw?
  9. What is rey mysterios real name
  10. Did you like this quiz
  11. Who did MVP challenge to a b-ball game
  12. Last Question Where was Rey Mysterio injured in 2007/2008

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Quiz topic: Am I a true WWE fan