are you a tom boy or a girly girl

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There are some type of girls. There are girly girls and tomboys. Girly girls and tom boys are both different from each other, they have some things in common and some not.

Are you a tomboy or a girly girl? not sure? then find out, are you unsure about the title? it's all about you in a few minutes you will find out who you really are.

Created by: karen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like high heels
  2. do you like playing sports with boys?
  3. Do you love any sports?
  4. DO you like to hang out at the mall?
  6. are you into Pokémon?
  7. If you were to pick one thing what would it be?
  8. If you were to wear a swim suit what would you prefer?
  9. Do you wear makeup?
  10. Do you play the drums?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tom boy or a girly girl