Are you a superhero

So you've taken the quiz huh. I think I know why.Your guilty of a crime and you want to know if you're evil or not.I bet you don't even own this computer?

Well I could really care less!The only reason I've even made this is because I'm bored. Seriously though this is my first quiz so I don't know if i got the scores right.

Created by: mystery man
  1. You saw a robber you...
  2. You see a one-hundred dollar bill lying in the street you...
  3. You could have one of the following powers
  4. Now lets work on that costume
  5. your alter ego?
  6. you're entertainment
  7. This doesn't have any affect on your score,but how do you like this quiz (say yes it helps with my self esteem)
  8. Your motives
  9. What do you want to be remembered as?
  10. How do you think you did

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Quiz topic: Am I a superhero