Are You a Shy Person?

There are many shy and outgoing people. You could be any. Maybe you know, and then this is just for fun, and maybe you don't know, so take this quiz and you might just find out! Maybe you're not as shy or outgoing as you think...

Are you shy? Does the thought of a conversation gives you butterflies in your stomach? Or are you outgoing and love the spotlight? You may know... And then this quiz is just for fun. Maybe you don't, so this quiz might tell you. And maybe you're not as shy or outgoing as you think...

Created by: Julie
  1. You need to present your science project before anyone else. You...
  2. Your pencil broke. You don't have a sharpener or another pencil. You can ask the kids sitting next to you. You...
  3. You walk across the school grounds and trip. Lots of people are looking at you. You...
  4. You know the answer to the question, and no one else does. You...
  5. You're new in class and see another new person sitting alone. You...
  6. Your crush asks you out. You...
  7. You Score the winning point at the basketball game. You...
  8. You're at a party. You...
  9. You're in the bus and can only sit next to someone else, or stand.
  10. You have to enter your class, but you're late. You...
  11. Finally, someone asks you what's your favorite color.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Shy Person?