are you a nice person?

this is a quiz to see if you are nice in the midddle or mean. soooooooooo lets find out! take this quiz and have alittle fun while you find out wether or not your nice!

Are you nice? do people like you? take my quiz and find out! you shall find out in the end if you are. I know im eing retitive. i need to id 150 words in each pargragh xD

Created by: IloveGod
  1. Some one steps on your foot and appolgizes.
  2. Your best friend get a failing grade on a test.
  3. You drop all your books and dome one laughs.
  4. are you sesntive to others?
  5. do you whant top hurt someone when tehy do somethinge even if tehy appolgize?
  6. are you a genrly happy perosn?
  7. you are my sunshine my only sunshine
  8. you favoert smile (little- very little effect)
  9. did you like this quiz? (no effect)
  10. last queston (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I a nice person?