Are You a Grammar Person?

Hello! You might be wondering, "why do some people use poor grammar?" There are many reasons, but there is only one that's common. They probably don't know what they are saying. However, some people do know what they are saying!

Are you one of those people? Do you know the extent of vocabulary? Are you a Challenger school student who always sees that Grammar Man in that newspaper? Take this quiz, and you will find out if you are really a grammar person!

Created by: Annelise
  1. What is a participle?
  2. What is a gerund?
  3. How would you diagram a sentence that only has a subject and a predicate?
  4. What does hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia mean? (I know, crazy long.)
  5. What does pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis mean? (even bigger. . .)
  6. What used to be the last letter of the alphabet?
  7. What does pneumtomonporcstalvolatis mean?
  8. Is it possible to read the entire dictionary?
  9. What are the ABC(This one is dumb, but it helps this quiz)
  10. Respond:"How do you pronounce wikipedia?"

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Quiz topic: Am I a Grammar Person?