are you a goody or a baddy

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istakes but believed what they did was right, more likely than not they will join StarClan when they die.[1] SkyClan was the fifth Clan, but they were forced to leave when their territorry was destroyed[2] (see below). BloodClan was not so much as Clan as a group of cats banded together for safety and strength this is random

Comb out the Persian with a wide-toothed comb working from the ends to the roots. Blow dry hair on a low setting or let hair air dry in a warm environment. Use a finishing brush on dry hair to finish the Persian grooming process. this is the last step of grooming a Persian cat

Created by: firestar
  1. if there is a bully beating up a little guy you.
  2. theres a poor lady falling out of a window you
  3. theres a stray cat on the road
  4. theres a briefcase full of money on the train do you
  5. am i awsome
  6. which is a the right answer to 123+2898
  7. 12
  8. 1
  9. hi im
  10. last question- what clan is firestar in

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Quiz topic: Am I a goody or a baddy