Are you a Facebook addict

There are many people that are not addicted to facebook you may be a lucky one facebook is very easy to get addicted to how did u rank was ur friend right?

Wow u have just seen your result for this quiz what do u think hmmm idk maybe u should go celebrate or noot I Don't care that's your buissness do what u want

Created by: janai
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How offten do you get on fb?
  2. How many friends do you have
  3. How many games do u play
  4. How long to you stay on fb
  5. How many friends on your friends list do you actually know
  6. Do you get on facebook,twitter,or myspace more
  7. On a rate from 0-5 how much do u enjoy fb
  8. Do u think fb needs improving
  9. Do u like fb
  10. This was the best fb quiz in the world

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Quiz topic: Am I a Facebook addict