are you a demgod?

Did you ever want to know if you were a demigod or a normal human or can you just see through the mist? If you are a demigod you are halfgod and if your normal your just a normal person and if you can see through the mist you can see monsters and you can tell if that person is a god of not.

Are you a Demi-god? you will have to find out and see if you are or not this quiz os very accurate so it should tell you exactly if you are truely a demi-god or not.

Created by: funnygirl25
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have adhd?
  2. do you like greek mythology?
  3. do you have Dyslexia?
  4. are any teachers mean to you or are strange to you
  5. do you have dream that come true
  6. Do you have a friend that walks strangly
  7. do you think you being watched at times?
  8. would you like to fight a monster
  9. Who is your favriote god?
  10. Who is your favriote godess

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Quiz topic: Am I a demgod?