are you a brownie or naw

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Are you A brownie? OR NAW!!!!!!!!!!!? That will be the best decision of you life EVER! If you don't take this quiz you regret it, and hate yourself, and wish you were never born.

We were motivated to create THIS quiz because the people of the world deserve to know if they are a brownie, or naw. This is the first (and best) brownie test ever created.

Created by: Kaley McKenna
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Do you LOVE to eat brownies?
  3. You go on a hot date, and they ask you what you want for dessert, what do you pick?
  4. If someone asked for a brownie, what do you do.......
  5. If you could write a song about brownies what would the lyrics be?
  6. kjhgfdsasdcfvgbhnujmik,olko,imjuhngybtfvtxdrbcvnbmnjmo,nmhbgnuvfybcdtbnvfmbghnoy675sdrscfxvgsbhjneswdse dswedswedws
  7. Shine bright like a brownie!
  8. How do you make a brownie?
  9. You need a midnight snack, what is it?
  10. Was this test The stupidest decision you've ever made in your life?

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Quiz topic: Am I a brownie or naw