Are u worthy of joining my Rider's Clan!!??

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I had a dream of a Group of people called The D Rider's and they each had a specific power.....any way im going to write a book on it and i needed people's opinion's on the idea I've already had another idea called Elementroz!!

Are u Worthy of joining the ancient Clan of the D Rider's and master the hidden power? You may be wondering what the hell im on about, but u may hear of The D Rider's in a couple of years!!

Created by: James of yay
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your personality like?
  2. Whats your fav colour?
  3. Whats your fav enviroment?
  4. Do u belive in mythical creatures?
  5. Whats your fav element?
  6. R u worthy of joining The D Rider's? !!!
  7. Do u like Riddles?
  8. Whts your fav entertainment?
  9. Choose... (wisely)?
  10. Did u enjoy this quiz?

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