Which Pokémon Black 2 Gym Leader Are You?

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Do you have the new game, Pokémon Black ,2 and you want to know which gym leader you are most like? Well, you came to the right place. Find out here!

The gym leaders are Cheren, Roxie, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Drayden, and Marlon. Figure out which one you are most like. Trust me, this quiz is accurate!

Created by: Kooleo2000

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the color of your hair?
  2. What is your favorite type of Pokémon?
  3. What is your favorite type of Pokémon?
  4. Which of the following colors is your favorite?
  5. Are you popular at school or work?
  6. Which Pokémon out of these is your favorite?
  7. What is your dream job?
  8. Which word or phrase do you say the most?
  9. Pick one...
  10. How do others describe you?
  11. Pokémon battles are...
  12. If you were a Pokémon, how many evolutions would you have.
  13. Which gym leader number would you want to be?
  14. Which gym leader number would you want to be?
  15. What do you wear everyday?
  16. A plate of Chinese food (or any other food that is totally awesome) is sitting on the table.
  17. Somebody steals your purse!
  18. Somebody beats you in a Pokémon battle.

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Quiz topic: Which Pokémon Black 2 Gym Leader am I?