Which creepypasta do you love?

This is about creepypasta and wich creepypasta you love the most so you dont have to worry i will figure it out for youjust di the quiz and choose the right answers.

Will you get with the one you love or not you only have to play amd i will do the test so go on do the quiz and who knows who you will love maybe its good maybe not

Created by: EJlover

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Me: hi these are my friends. Ben: *playing on DS dont realising youre ther*. Jeff: *sharpening his knife* well hello there. Masky: *looking for cheesecake* hello (Y/N) Toby: HI im toby wanna have some waffles?? LJ: hahaha want some candies i have plenty. EJ: *eating a kidney with me as ussual*.
  2. Me: i guess i start with some questions. What is your favorite colour??
  3. What are your favorite clothes to wear?? Jeff: i bet something bloody. Me: jeff go back to your seat please..
  4. Me: ok can somebody else ask something right now?? Jeff: i will. Ok pick only one of those items.
  5. Ben: can i ask now? Me: go ahead ben. Ben: do you like video games??
  6. Masky: my turn, what is you favorite food?
  7. Toby: tobys turn ^^ do you like waffles?? Everyone: TTOOOOOBBBYYYY!!
  8. LJ: i am. What is your weapon of choice?
  9. EJ: finally my turn. Who do you like the most??
  10. That was the last question we all go now bye.

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Quiz topic: Which creepypasta do I love?