When will you get a puppy?

There are plentiful puppies out there! Take this quiz to know when you will own one! Maybe a small on like a miniature chiwhuwhu or a dog the size of you!

Are you a dog lover? Find out in this quiz if you are capable of getting a dog of your very own! Maybe it could be a prickley haired one, or maybe a big fluffy doggie!

Created by: Dusk

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How are you with animals?
  2. How many animals do you own
  3. What is your names first initial?
  4. Do you own a computer? (if not press the no button) If you do, would you search info on a animal, or leave its history a mystery?
  5. Do you like fruit!?!
  6. Do you veggies?
  7. Do you eat meat?
  8. Do you eat leaves (salad ext.?)
  9. Do you like reptiles?
  10. Last question: Do you have a tooth missing?

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Quiz topic: When will I get a puppy?