I dare you to click this!

I am going to make this quiz and then sing a song for you. THE SONG IS BELOW. IF YOU DON'T READ IT, YOU WILL DIE. EXPLODE NOW, FREDWARD! NYA NYA NYA NYA!

Bananas taste like unicorns and unicorns are dead, so bananas taste dead and if they don't then unicorns exist. My best friend is a panda bear my uncle is a dog, and if you do not know this song.... THAT'S SAD.

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This is random.
  2. Bananas are not for eating.
  3. Someone put me in their quiz. You know who that was?
  4. I will put them in this quiz.
  5. SUN, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, I WANT YOU TO KNOW SOMETHING. I JUST WANT TO SAY, BECAUSE I AM YOUR FRIEND.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... HI. I LIKE SUSHI. THE FRYING PAN IS IN THE KITCHEN. SULFUR IS TOO UPTIGHT.
  6. Which is more likely to happen?
  8. I am a stalker.
  9. After this question I die.
  10. I'M DEAD.

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Quiz topic: I dam I to click this!