Are you funny or just good at roasting? *or both*

This was just for fun. No mean intentions intended. No this is not based on science or stuff like that. All in my opinion. Please be honest and yeah thanks trying out my quiz.

Basically I just asked some of my friends what they would do in these situations and made them answers. I couldn't add a lot of things. Thanks for doing my quiz.

Created by: thatonepreppy
  1. You're crying and you friend is like "are you okay?" what is you're response?
  2. You're friend has a crush on the shortest guy in class. You're response is...
  3. You're single friend makes fun of you're boyfriend/girlfriend. you're respons.
  4. You see a kid with a suitcase backpack. You whisper to you're friends.
  5. You get an F on you're test and you're teacher tells you to get a tutor. If you could talk back what would you say...
  6. You're friend dares you to ask out you're crush. How do you do it.
  7. You're mom tells you to get off that phone. Then she starts the back in my day talk. What do you say...
  8. You're friend falls over nothing. You're response.
  9. You caught you friend online dating on Roblox. You're response.
  10. Do you think you know what the test results will be.

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Quiz topic: Am I funny or just good at roasting? *or both*
