Are you a demigod? (PJO books)

This is my first ever quiz here! It's about the book series PJO, or Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I made this quiz because I wanted to capture your curiosity.

This isn't reality, only fiction, and this quiz might not be completely correct. Just know that for the future, it may say your 100% mortal, when your 100% demigod.

Created by: Vivianne
  1. Have you been attracted to certain elements as a kid?
  2. Do you have a hard time focusing or have ADHD
  3. Do you have dyslexia or reading/writing issues?
  4. Do you have vivid dreams?
  5. Do you see creatures?
  6. What's your flaw?
  7. What grades do you get at school?
  8. Do any of your teachers act weird or seem like they aren't human?
  9. How many schools have you been to?
  10. Did you like the quiz? (Doesn't go to scores)

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Quiz topic: Am I a demigod? (PJO books)
