I can make you wet your nappy~! (male, 18+)

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IMPORTANT! READ!Heya, let's see if I can make you wet yourself! First of all, you're gonna need a few things (it's alright if you don't, just make sure you can clean up after). 1: you'll need a nappy, something that can actually hold, ideally. anything that's not a genuine baby diaper or a depends should work fine. You'll also need powder (THIS IS MANDATORY! I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS GETTING RASHES BECAUSE OF ME!).

I need to fill this out for gotoquiz to let me publish so I'm just gonna use a nonsense generator. A stumbling first step asked you a question? Fashion is not all that great.

Created by: Father Smurf
  1. Oki, let's get the obvious one outta the way: How bad do ya need to go?
  2. Now, let's get started! First things first, Spread your legs out and bend your knees. your legs should look like this. <> Hold this position for the entirety of the quiz (unless I specifically tell you not to).
  3. Next, Push as if you're trying to poop. Pee should start coming out, but don't try to stop it- Embrace it for 3 seconds, before trying your best to stop.
  4. Now I want you to go on YouTube and search running water sounds. Listen for 5 minutes, while relieving all of the tension in your body, slowly relaxing your muscles from your head to toes.
  5. Next, get up and do 10 squats with your body completely relaxed. don't try to hold it in, just completely relax. Even if that means wetting your nappy.
  6. Get back into the sitting position I discussed earlier, and get ready for the final challenge: Wet yourself. That's right, sit down, spread your legs, and remove all of the tension in your body, filling your soft nappy with warm wet pee in the process. You deserve this reward after all of that hard work! Good job, wether you won or lost. (does not effect score)
  7. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  8. Sike! that wasn't the end! hope you didn't pee, because that all counted! Now, sit down on a (cushioned) chair and release the pressure in your bladder for 1 minute. But, there's a twist: push down on your lower abdomen while doing so. good luck!
  9. This bit is a little bit sXual so if you want you can skip [STILL 18+].
  10. rub the front of your nappy back and forth until you feel like you're about to (censored bc gotoquiz is bad). Just before it comes out (no pun intended), stop for 3 seconds and start pushing like you have to poop, and keep pushing until no pee is coming out.
  11. Thanks for playing! that's all, so I hope you enjoyed. let me know in the comments, and let out all of the tension into your nappy! you deserve it! see you guys later!

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Quiz topic: I can make you wet my nappy~! (male, 18+)

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