Do you know who Taylor Swift is?

This quiz is to see how much you know about Taylor Swift! I wanted to do this because I am a swiftie and I want to see who else is too. In this quiz there are questions about her characteristics, songs and other things.

If you don't like your scores, feel free to take this quiz again! I hope that you enjoy and that you like this quiz. I am a eight year old who just wanted to make a quiz so if you see any thing wrong with it or disagree with any answers please let me know.

Created by: soccergirlie!
  1. What is Taylor Swifts middle name?
  2. how many albums did Taylor Swift make?
  3. where was Taylor Swift born?
  4. What song is this" She wears high heels I wear sneakers she's cheer captain I'm on the bleachers.
  5. what pets does Taylor Swift have?
  6. what color hair does Taylor Swift have?
  7. what is Taylor Swifts lucky number?
  8. is the eras tour on Disney plus?
  9. what song is this" You booked the night train for a reason so you could sit in this hurt.
  10. did Taylor Swift have a dream that she was flute Spanish?
  11. does Taylor speak Spanish?

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Quiz topic: Do I know who Taylor Swift is?
