Which Wings of Fire Jade Winglet Dragonet are you?

Hi! I have made a Jade Winglet Quiz. This will reveal which character you are. I did not add Umber because he left. Or Kinkajou because of the coma :(.

I hope you enjoy. If you give this quiz a good rating, I will make Pantala and Dragonet Prophecy quizzes! Feel free to give feedback. This is my first quiz so I am open to suggestions. Enjoy!!!

Created by: Brooklyn Herrera
  1. How Do You Feel About Reading?
  2. Which Queen Do You Like The Most?
  3. Which is Your Favorite Tribe?
  4. Would you like to have powers?
  5. How do you feel about school?
  6. Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?
  7. What is your favorite book?
  8. Do you like dogs, cats, or horses
  9. What Do You Think About Rainwings?
  10. DO YOU LIKE THE QUIZZ??( these answers do not effect your results)

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Jade Winglet Dragonet am I?

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